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The Lesser Feasts and Fasts Sections

Concerning the Proper for the Lesser Feasts
Saint Andrew the Apostle - November 30
Nicholas Ferrar - December 1
Channing Moore Williams - December 2
John of Damascus - December 4
Clement of Alexandria - December 5
Nicholas - December 6
Ambrose of Milan - December 7
Saint Thomas the Apostle - December 21
The Nativity of Our Lord - December 25
Saint Stephen, Deacon and Martyr - December 26
Saint John, Apostle and Evangelist - December 27
The Holy Innocents - December 28
Thomas Becket - December 29
[Francis Joseph Gaudet] - December 30
The Holy Name of Our Lord - January 1
The Epiphany of Our Lord - January 6
[Harriet Bedell] - January 8
Julia Chester Emery - January 9
William Laud - January 10
Aelred - January 12
Hilary - January 13
Antony - January 17
Confession of Saint Peter the Apostle - January 18
Wulfstan - January 19
Fabian - January 20
Agnes - January 21
Vincent - January 22
Phillips Brooks - January 23
Florence Li Tim-Oi - January 24
Conversion of Saint Paul the Apostle - January 25
Timothy and Titus - January 26
John Chrysostom - January 27
Thomas Aquinas - January 28
Brigid - February 1
The Presentation of Our Lord - February 2
Anskar - February 3
Cornelius the Centurion - February 4
The Martyrs of Japan - February 5
Absalom Jones - February 13
Cyril and Methodius - February 14
Thomas Bray - February 15
Janani Luwum - February 17
Martin Luther - February 18
Polycarp - February 23
Saint Matthias the Apostle - February 24
George Herbert - February 27
[Anna Julia Haywood Cooper] - February 28
David - March 1
Chad - March 2
John and Charles Wesley - March 3
Perpetua and her Companions - March 7
Gregory of Nyssa - March 9
Gregory the Great - March 12
[James Theodore Holly] - March 13
Patrick - March 17
Cyril - March 18
Saint Joseph - March 19
Cuthbert - March 20
Thomas Ken - March 21
James De Koven - March 22
Gregory the Illuminator - March 23
[Óscar Romero] - March 24
The Annuncation of Our Lord - March 25
Charles Henry Brent - March 27
John Keble - March 29
John Donne - March 31
Frederick Denison Maurice - April 1
James Lloyd Breck - April 2
Richard - April 3
Martin Luther King, Jr. - April 4
[Tikhon] - April 7
William Augustus Muhlenberg - April 8
Dietrich Bonhoeffer - April 9
William Law - April 10
George Augustus Selwyn - April 11
Alphege - April 19
Anselm - April 21
Saint Mark the Evangelist - April 25
Catherine of Siena - April 29
Saint Philip and Saint James, Apostles - May 1
Athanasius - May 2
Monnica - May 4
Dame Julian of Norwich - May 8
Gregory of Nazianzus - May 9
Dunstan - May 19
Alcuin - May 20
Jackson Kemper - May 24
Bede the Venerable - May 25
Augustine of Canterbury - May 26
Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary - May 31
The First Book of Common Prayer
Justin - June 1
The Martyrs of Lyons - June 2
the Martyrs of Uganda - June 3
Boniface - June 5
Columba - June 9
Ephrem of Edessa - June 10
Saint Barnabas the Apostle - June 11
Enmegahbowh - June 12
Basil the Great - June 14
Evelyn Underhill - June 15
Joseph Butler - June 16
Bernard Mizeki - June 18
Alban - June 22
The Nativity of Saint John the Baptist - June 24
Irenaeus - June 28
Saint Peter and Saint Paul, Apostles - June 29
Independence Day - July 4
Benedict of Nursia - July 11
William White - July 17
Macrina - July 19
Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Amelia Bloomer, Sojourner Truth and Harriet Ross Tubman - July 20
Saint Mary Magdalene - July 22
Thomas a Kempis - July 24
Saint James the Apostle - July 25
Parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary - July 26
William Reed Huntington - July 27
Mary and Martha of Bethany - July 29
William Wilberforce - July 30
Ignatius - July 31
Joseph of Arimathaea - August 1
The Transfiguration of Our Lord - August 6
John Mason Neale - August 7
Dominic - August 8
Laurence - August 10
Clare - August 11
Florence Nightingale - August 12
Jeremy Taylor - August 13
Jonathan Myrick Daniels - August 14
Saint Mary the Virgin - August 15
William Porcher DuBose - August 18
Bernard - August 20
Saint Bartholomew the Apostle - August 24
Louis - August 25
Thomas Gallaudet and Henry Winter Syle - August 27
Augustine - August 28
Aidan - August 31
David Pendleton Oakerhater - September 1
The Martyrs of New Guinea - September 2
Paul Jones - September 4
Constance, Nun, and her Companions - September 9
Alexander Crummell - September 10
John Henry Hobart - September 12
Cyprian - September 13
Holy Cross Day - September 14
Ninian - September 16
Hildegard - September 17
Edward Bouverie Pusey - September 18
Theodore of Tarsus - September 19
John Coleridge Patteson - September 20
Saint Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist - September 21
Philander Chase - September 22
Sergius - September 25
Lancelot Andrewes - September 26
Saint Michael and All Angels - September 29
Jerome - September 30
Remigius - October 1
Francis of Assisi - October 4
William Tyndale - October 6
Robert Grosseteste - October 9
[Vida Dutton Scudder] - October 10
Philip, Deacon and Evangelist - October 11
Samuel Isaac Joseph Schereschewsky - October 14
Teresa of Avila - October 15
Hugh Latimer, Nicholas Ridleym and Thomas Cranmer - October 16
Ignatius - October 17
Saint Luke the Evangelist - October 18
Henry Martyn - October 19
Saint James of Jerusalem - October 23
Alfred the Great - October 26
Saint Simon and Saint Jude, Apostles - October 28
James Hannington - October 29
All Saints - November 1
All Faithful Departed - November 2
Richard Hooker - November 3
William Temple - November 6
Willibrord - November 7
Leo the Great - November 10
Martin - November 11
Charles Simeon - November 12
Consecration of Samuel Seabury - November 14
Margaret - November 16
Hugh - November 17
Hilda - November 18
Elizabeth - November 19
Edmund - November 20
Clive Staples Lewis - November 22
Clement - November 23
Thanksgiving Day
James Otis Sargent Huntington - November 25
Kamehameha and Emma - November 28

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