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Guidelines and Procedures for Continuing Alteration of the Calendar in the Episcopal Church —adopted by the 1994 General Convention of the Episcopal Church and amended by the 2006 General Convention

Report of the Calendar Committee to the 2006 General Convention

The 74 General Convention in Resolution 2003–A 100directed the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music to undertake a revision of that would re ect the cultural diversity of the Episcopal Church, of the wider Anglican Communion, of our ecumenical partners, and of our lively experience of sainthood in local communities. We immediately recognized that it would not be possible to accomplish so major a revision in one triennium because of its scope and depth. A timeline has been established for the completion of the revision over two triennia with a presentation of a full revision of the calendar of commemorations, with accompanying materials for adoption by the 76 General Convention in 2009.

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